私達が聖書を通して知っていることは、これらの言葉は確かにこの三人に語られたのですが、その最終的な成就、すなわちカナンを実際に獲得するということはアブラハムにも、ヤコブにも、そして出エジプトの最大の功労者モーセにも託されず、ヨシュアにそれが託されたということです。このことから私達はそれぞれが成すべき役目というものが神から与えられているということに気がつかされます。それはあたかも駅伝のようなもので、この場合アブラハムは神様から第一走者としてのタスキを受け、続く・・・ヤコブ、そして、モーセと、それぞれが前走者が到達した所からタスキを受け、その後は自らが走るべき行程を次の者に手渡すまで精一杯に走ったということです。そして、この彼らの姿は私達の生き方にも適応でき� �ものです。私達も今、自分が目指していることを成し遂げることができないかもしれないこと、もしかしたら自分ではなく、自分の後に続く者がそれを成し遂げることになるかもしれないからです。
それでは、その大切な時、モーセはどのようにヨシュアにそのタスキを渡したのでしょうか。民数記27章16節にはモーセがその最後の時に神様に願ったことがこのように記録されています。16「すべての肉なるものの命の神、主よ、どうぞ、この会衆の上にひとりの人を立て、17彼らの前に出入りし、彼らを導き出し、彼らを導き入れる者とし、主の会衆を牧者のない羊のようにしないでください」。私達が心に刻むべきことはモーセはその後継者としてヨシュアの名をここで触れていないということです。これまでのモーセのはたらきの側にはいつもヨシュアがいましたから、モーセが当然、ここでヨシュアの名前を出してもいいと思うのです。しかし、その最重要な時に彼はまず自分の考えや願いではな く、全てを白紙にして神様に自分の後継者を誰にすべきかを問うたのです。
そして、この言葉を受けて神様がモーセに語られました。「神の霊のやどっているヌンの子ヨシュアを選び、あなたの手をその上におき、19彼を祭司エレアザルと全会衆の前に立たせて、彼らの前で職に任じなさい。20そして彼にあなたの権威を分け与え、イスラエルの人々の全会衆を彼に従わせなさい。(民数記27章18節-20節)神様はヨシュアの名を挙げ、彼の上に手を置き、その所には祭司も立ち合わせて、ヨシュアが神からの任を受けることを会衆に示しなさいといわれたのです。このことによりモーセは自らの願望をヨシュアに託すことはなく、それを断ち切り、ヨシュアは神様から与えられたその使命を厳粛に受け止めて、その任を引き継いだのです。そして、それを会衆も認めたのです。なんとあっぱれ� ��世代交代でしょうか!
同じようにヨシュアがモーセの使命を受け継いで、いよいよイスラエルのリーダとしてそのはたらきをする時に彼もこのような不思議な体験をしました。13ヨシュアがエリコの近くにいたとき、目を上げて見ると、ひとりの人が抜き身のつるぎを手に持ち、こちらに向かって立っていたので、ヨシュアはその人のところへ行って言った、「あなたはわれわれを助けるのですか。それともわれわれの敵を助けるのですか」。14彼は言った、「いや、わたしは主の軍勢の将として今きたのだ」。ヨシュアは地にひれ伏し拝して言った、「わが主は何をしもべに告げようとされるのですか」。15すると主の軍勢の将はヨシュアに言った、「あなたの足のくつを脱ぎなさい。あなたが立っている所は聖なる所である」。ヨシュア� ��そのようにした。ヨシュア5章13節-15節
1あなたの神、主が、あなたの行って取る地にあなたを導き入れ、多くの国々の民、ヘテびと、ギルガシびと、アモリびと、カナンびと、ペリジびと、ヒビびと、およびエブスびと、すなわちあなたよりも数多く、また力のある七つの民を、あなたの前から追いはらわれる時、2すなわちあなたの神、主が彼らをあなたに渡して、これを撃たせられる時は、あなたは彼らを全く滅ぼさなければならない。彼らとなんの契約をもしてはならない。彼らに何のあわれみをも示してはならない。3また彼らと婚姻をしてはならない。あなたの娘を彼のむすこに与えてはならない。かれの娘をあなたのむすこにめとってはならない。4それは彼らがあなたのむすこを惑わしてわたしに従わせず、ほかの神々に仕えさせ、そのため主はあなたがたにむか� �て怒りを発し、すみやかにあなたがたを滅ぼされることとなるからである。5むしろ、あなたがたはこのように彼らに行わなければならない。すなわち彼らの祭壇をこぼち、その石の柱を撃ち砕き、そのアシラ像を切り倒し、その刻んだ像を火で焼かなければならない。6あなたはあなたの神、主の聖なる民である。あなたの神、主は地のおもてのすべての民のうちからあなたを選んで、自分の宝の民とされた。
このカナンの地にあった偶像礼拝について、考古学者たちがその遺跡によって発見したことによりますと、そこには豊穣神としてのバアルやアシュラの神に捧げられた子供の遺体が収められた壷が多数発見されたり、神殿には性器が誇張された彫刻があり、その神殿では巫女と称した女性達が売春をしており、その時代の性的混乱が分かったといいます。豊作を求める土地では人の性も神秘的な実りとして考えられ、必ずといっていいほど、このような性器に対する信仰が生まれ、そこでは秩序のない性的な堕落が起きてきます。今日の歴史家が指摘しているように、歴史に興った大国の末期には大抵、信じがたい性的混乱が起きたといいます。それは国が立つか倒れるかの印となっていたのです。カナンの町々を発掘した考古学者達は� ��の発掘されたものを見て始めて、なぜ神がこの町々を滅ぼしつくせと言われたかということがよく分かったというのです。
皆さん、今日はモーセからヨシュアへとどのように世代が交代したかということをお話しました。また、ヨシュアが自分に与えられた使命を妥協せずに全うしていった様を見ました。私達はいかがでしょうか、私達が託されているタスキはどんな使命を私達に示しているでしょうか。そして、その使命に私達は生き、次のものに手渡す日が来るということを意識して今も私達が走るべき行程を走っているでしょうか。ペテロ第一の手紙5章8節には「身を慎み、目をさましていなさい。あなたがたの敵である悪魔が、ほえたけるししのように、食いつくすべきものを求めて歩き回っている」と書かれています。私達はこのことを意識し、自分は今も敵の前に暮らしているのだという意識をもって日々を過ごしてる でしょうか。
Book of Joshua: Run one's course and pass baton on to the next runner
March 11, 2012
Last time, I discussed Deuteronomy, the last of Five Books of Moses. Today, I would like to take up Book of Joshua. Joshua is the name of a minister who was with Moses all the time throughout the trip. He escaped Egypt with Moses, climbed Mt. Sinai with Moses, and endured hardship of wilderness with him. He was one of twelve people sent out to scout out the land of Canaan, and was named a successor to Moses just before Moses passed away.
This Book of Joshua is a very simple book. Chapters 1-12 describe many battles Israelites fought under the leadership of Joshua to take over the Promised Land of Canaan. Chapter 13 and on describes in boring details how the land of Canaan was divided up among Israelite tribes. (However, we must admit that this allotment of Promised Land among Israelite tribes was a very important and historic event.)
This morning, I would like to study how the Israelite people conquered the land of Canaan under the leadership of Joshua. There are three key points. They are "changing of generation", "mission" and "battle."
Changing of generation
Let's review what we have learned thus far. The key point is the land of Canaan which we talked about last time. This land is located on the west bank of River Jordan and the Dead Sea. God had promised Abram that he would give this land to Abram's offsprings. (Genesis 12:7) God also spoke to Jacob, grandson of Abraham, "I will give you and your descendants the land on which you are lying."(Genesis 28:13) And God also told Moses about "a good and spacious land, a land flowing with milk and honey—the home of the Canaanites, … ." (Exodus 3:8)
What we have learned from the Bible is that although these words were spoken to these three people, the one who finally obtained the land of Canaan was not Abraham, Jacob, or Moses, but was Joshua. This reminds us that each of us is charged from God with a different task to carry out. This is like an EKIDEN race, a marathon race, in which Abraham was given a baton from God to run the first leg, and the baton was handed on to Jacob and Moses to run the subsequent legs. Each had his own course to run until the time he passed the baton to the next runner. We too, are like that EKIDEN marathon race runners. We may not be the one to reach the goal. Our role is to run our assigned leg so that the next runner can carry on the mission.
We know that handing over the baton to the next runner is not that simple. At the transition station, when the baton is passed to the next runner, many runners might bump into each other and may knock off the baton. If the baton is not handed over safely to the next runner, the team might lose the race. Even if you were leading the race, if you drop the baton, the victory would slip away.
Transition to the next generation is not always easy. It could be emotionally difficult. Such transition could trigger ugly conflict between the generations. I am reminded of the sad incident that took place when Isaac tried to hand over the baton of the right of the first born to his sons.
How then, did Moses hand over his baton to Joshua? Book of Numbers Chapter 27 Verse 16 records what Moses asked God in his last days: 16"May the LORD, the God of the spirits of all mankind, appoint a man over this community 17to go out and come in before them, one who will lead them out and bring them in, so the LORD'S people will not be like sheep without a shepherd." You might notice that Moses did not bring out the name of Joshua as his successor. Joshua worked with Moses all these times. So, Moses could have mentioned the name of Joshua as his successor. But, Moses did not bring out his opinion or wishes about this important selection of his successor. He simply asked God for guidance.
God responded to Moses saying: "Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit, and lay your hand on him. 19Have him stand before Eleazar the priest and the entire assembly and commission him in their presence. 20Give him some of your authority so the whole Israelite community will obey him. (Numbers 27:18-20) He mentioned Joshua by name. God told Moses to place his hand on Joshua. He also told Moses to announce this selection to the Israelite community. Moses did not tell Joshua to take over his role. It was God who selected Joshua and it was God who granted the authority to lead the Israelite people. And, the community also accepted this leadership transition. The baton was handed over to the new leader smoothly.
In the EKIDEN marathon race, some team members run through town street, other might run up steep mountain road. Each of us has a different road to run. Moses brought the people of Israel out from slavery. But, it was not his mission to enter the Promised Land. So, Moses passed his baton to Joshua. And when he received his baton, Joshua started his leg of the marathon race. It was the same with Paul. He knew his mission. See 2nd Timothy Chapter 4, Verses 6-8.
6For I am already being poured out like a drink offering, and the time has come for my departure. 7I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 8Now there is in store for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to me on that day—and not only to me, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.
Not all of us are called to run the full course on this earth. But, each of us is assigned a course to run from God. Everyone has a different assignment. When we read the Bible, we realize that the baton has been passed on through generations by so many people. Each of them ran the course assigned by God.
So, we should not be overly concerned about what others are doing. Our task is not only to run the full course given to us, but also to prepare the way for the next runner so that he can continue on toward the final goal. God's task is a cooperative effort spanning many generations. Perhaps we may not be the one to reach the goal. But, the one you pass the baton to might cross the finish line. The same team efforts must be carried out at our home, work, and at church, too.
Our church history spans over 80 years. Countless people have run their course carrying the baton before us. We believe that each of us is running our appointed course. And that God is watching over us from generation to generation.
Let us talk about mission next.
According to Exodus Chapter 3, one day, when Moses was in Mount Horeb, he noticed a bush in flame. But the bush was not burning up. Then, God called out to Moses from within the bush: "Do not come any closer," God said. "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy ground." (Exodus 3:5) God told Moses then that he was charging Moses with the task of saving the people of Israel out of Egypt.
Similarly, when Joshua succeeded Moses and was about to start his task as the leader of the people of Israel, Joshua had a strange encounter.
13Now when Joshua was near Jericho, he looked up and saw a man standing in front of him with a drawn sword in his hand. Joshua went up to him and asked, "Are you for us or for our enemies?" 14"Neither," he replied, "but as commander of the army of the LORD I have now come." Then Joshua fell facedown to the ground in reverence, and asked him, "What message does my Lord have for his servant?" 15The commander of the LORD'S army replied, "Take off your sandals, for the place where you are standing is holy." And Joshua did so. (Joshua 5:13-15)
I doubt if any of you came this morning without wearing shoes. Why do we wear shoes? There are many reasons. We wear shoes to secure good foothold on any rough roads, to protect our feet from cuts, dirt, mud, moisture, and cold. If we try to walk the street without shoes on, we might experience discomfort.
In the days of Moses and Joshua, there were no socks to wear. They used to wear sandals on their bare feet. Their only means of transportation was their feet. Roads were not paved. They were full of debris. Desert roads might have dangerous small animals hiding in the soil. In that kind of circumstance, one could not move even a step without the protection of the sandals. One felt unprotected and vulnerable without sandals.
God did not say: "tighten the sandal lace and be ready for the task ahead." But, God told Moses and Joshua to remove the sandals when they were about to set out on their mission. What God wanted to remind them was that they should not rely on their own power but rather trust in God as they take on the mission.
Joshua removed his shoes. His mission was very clear. It was to actually secure the land of Canaan that was promised of them back in the days of Abraham. But, there are tribes occupying that Promised Land, and Israelite people had to be ready to fight many battles. So, they listened to God, trusted in God, and fought and won each battle from then on.
Joshua lived as it was written in Joshua Chapter 1 Verses 2-3: "Now then, you and all these people, get ready to cross the Jordan River into the land I am about to give to them—to the Israelites. I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses."
When he heard these words from God, the land of Canaan was not given to Joshua yet. But, he believed, got ready, crossed the river, went, and set foot on the Promised Land. Joshua responded to his assigned task in faith. God, in return, gave every place he set his feet on to Joshua and Israelite people.
We are given out mission to accomplish, too. We need this faith Joshua possessed as we take on our challenge. God promises that we will win our land. We must believe as we set out on that journey. One step at a time. That is how we accomplish our task. Finally, let's talk about battle.
The Book of Judges which follows this Book of Joshua describes many bloody battles. God used harsh words such as "You must destroy them all." Some might question this and ask, "Why does the Bible use such harsh words?" and "Does God condone wars?" It is quite natural to ask such questions. This morning, I would like to face these questions. Deuteronomy 7:1-6 records what Moses conveyed to the people of Israel as they were about to set foot on the land of Canaan:
1When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you—2and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy. 3Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons, 4for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD'S anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you. 5This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire. 6For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.
Joshua carried out these commands. He went out to destroy many tribes residing in the land of Canaan one after another. As we observe him, we notice one thing. And, that is Joshua was always aware that he was confronting his enemies. This was the urgency he felt. He knew that enemies were present. Joshua could conquer the land of Canaan with the people of Israel because Joshua did not forget his sense of urgency. This sense of urgency was the source of his determination never to compromise. He always remembered the words of God who had told them to destroy everything. This urgency was the driving force for Joshua as he led his people into the land of Canaan.
But what was the thing Joshua did not want to compromise about? As the people of Israel conquered the Promised Land and settled there, Joshua did not allow people to compromise with the customs, people, and religion of the land. Why Joshua insist that his people should not compromise? The reason becomes clear as we move on to the Book of Judges next week. Some of the consequences of compromise are described there. Let's read Judges 3:5-7.
5The Israelites lived among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites. 6They took their daughters in marriage and gave their own daughters to their sons, and served their gods. 7The Israelites did evil in the eyes of the LORD; they forgot the LORD their God and served the Baals and the Asherahs.
Joshua did not allow people to compromise. But, with Joshua dead and gone, the people of Israel changed and compromised. The land of Canaan was a fertile land. It was a good land to settle down to agricultural life. Agricultural life provide them stability and wealth. Agricultural people naturally want bountiful harvest. Their main concern was the rich return from their land. For this, the people there had many gods to whom they prayed for bountiful harvest.
Compromising with these gods of the land was the greatest danger for the people of Israel. As their life became more stable, and as they started to accept local gods into their life, they started to lose the most important thing in life. Israelite people mingled with the local residents, picked up their custom, and learned to compromise their way of life, too. They forgot what Joshua had told them and started to worship local idols. This led to life of decadence and lawlessness. This was the consequence of compromise.
In order for the people of Israel to remain faithful to God, they were supposed to reject all other local gods. Otherwise, as these descriptions tell us, they were bound to be influenced by such gods, leading to destruction. So, it is clear that what God said was correct. We learn an important lesson from this. Even what we consider to be a small compromise might turn out to be life-threatening. God knew the people of Israel. We are not capable of rejecting seemingly minor compromises ourselves. Such small compromises can lead us into life of destruction.
Anthropologists have later found out more about these idol-worshipping customs. They uncovered many remains of young children apparently sacrificed to please the gods of Baals and Asherahs. The carvings of genitals were found on temple walls. They also found out that temple prostitutes were common. Their life was decadent. Agricultural people tend to worship sexual organs as source of fertility. As they worship fertility, their sex-oriented life leads to decadent life. Many historians have pointed out that many of the world powers collapsed from the lawless and decadent life style. This was how a nation stood or fell. Those anthropologists who excavated the land of Canaan have understood why God had told the people of Israel to destroy everything and never to compromise.
These idol gods, Baals and Asherahs, turned out to be the source of down fall. Next week, we study Book of Judges, where we learn that the Israelite people started idol worship, inviting downfall, and led to over 400 years of hardship.
Deuteronomy 6:6 said: "For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession." If important people in our life are about to face the downfall, we would not hesitate to warn them about the danger and tell them not to compromise their life to eventual destruction. Similarly, God had to warn the people of Israel.
Today, we talked about the changing of generation from Moses to Joshua. We also learned how Joshua completed his assigned task and never compromised. How about us? We have received the baton. Do we understand the significance of that? Are we aware of our mission? Are we running our course that we must run until the day when we hand over the baton to the next runner?
First Peter Chapter 5:8 says: "Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. "
Are we aware that we too are facing our enemy each day? Are we alert and self-controlled?
As the Israelite people go through changing of generation, they were supposed to be aware of their own mission, and their leader should have maintained the sense of urgency. But, sad reality is that the Israelite people would repeat the life of compromise and downfall throughout their history. We will study that phase of the history from the Book of Judges next week.
Let us pray.
Translated by Dr. Yasuhisa Hosomatsu
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